Best Practice 1
SCR Roadmaps


The proposed methodology for developing SCR roadmaps, as shown in fig. 18, is intended to be used at the strategic decision-making level because we are dealing with major disruptions.

It features several stages: SC exploration, scenario development, system analysis, the definition of strategies, roadmap development and signal monitoring considerations.

Discussion & Conclusion

Each SC needs a creative and customised process to develop roadmaps. For example strategies presented in the food sector may not apply to the retail or healthcare sectors.

While it is true that a perfect system or SC can never be designed, as surprises will always occur, knowing how systems behave and understanding the possible implication when facing major disruptions could help mitigate the impacts of any disruption.


•Supply Chain Resilience Roadmaps for Major Disruptions; Jessica Olivares-Aguila and Alejandro Vital-Soto